The Robert Graves Review - Volume 1 Number 1 / Summer 2021  
Introduction | |
Michael Joseph |
The ‘Reserve of Superstition’: Graves, Coleridge, and the Poetry of Mystery | |
Gregory Leadbetter |
What Handwashing and Social Distancing in the Times of Corona Remind Us: The Left Hand is as Vital as the Right | |
Devindra Kohli |
William Nicholson and the Pirate Twins | |
Marilynn S. Olson |
Robert Graves's Favourite Poem? The One that Saved his Life | |
Paul O’Prey |
Drawing Music from Penny Fiddles, or, a Biographical Account of Robert Graves and Theodore Roethke’s Secret Lives as Children’s Poets with a Look at their Neglected Masterworks, The Penny Fiddle and I Am! Says the Lamb, along with a Few Other Things | |
Joseph T. Thomas, Jr |
Never-Begotten Perfect Daughters: Laura Riding's and Mina Loy's Steinian Inheritances | |
Eva Isherwood-Wallace |
The Claudian Dilogy and its Early Criticism | |
Alicja Bemben |
A Different Look for 'The Face in the Mirror' | |
Michael Joseph |
The Plague of Modern Scholarship (Theses and Dissertations on the Subject of Robert Graves) | |
Carl Hahn |
The Ur-text to 'The Country Dance': An Unrecorded Poem | |
Carl Hahn and Michael Joseph |
Robert Graves Trust and Related | |
William Graves, MBE |
Atlantis, Lake Tritonis, and Pharos | |
Oliver D. Smith |
Poems by Michael Longley | |
Poem by Ruth Fainlight | |
Poems by Grevel Lindop | |
Poems by Paul O’Prey | |
Poems by Linda Morales Caballero | |
Poems by Sean O’Brien | |
Poets in this Issue | |