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The Plague of Modern Scholarship (Theses and Dissertations on the Subject of Robert Graves)

Carl Hahn

In his preface to his 1970 doctoral dissertation on the early poetry of Robert Graves, James McKinley wrote:

Robert Graves has somewhere written, ‘let me suggest that the Ph.D. or D. Phil. degree – a prerequisite for numerous academic and extra-academic jobs – is the plague of modern scholarship. A doctorate of Philosophy was once earned by successful verbal disputation in some University Hall – a proof that the candidate knew his subject and could hold his own in extempore argument about it. Nowadays, a written thesis on some scholarly subject is demanded. Such theses seldom qualify as useful additions to the corpus of knowledge, being for the most part digests of existing work. Thousands of them clutter the University presses of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australia; and who can trouble to sort out the good from the bad?’[1]

Adopting McKinley’s bravado, I have presumed to ignore the poet’s counsel and compiled a list of dissertations and theses, as well as other forms of composition offered in fulfillment of academic degree requirements. The earliest work dates to 1933, a doctoral dissertation by Gertrud Paul for a degree at the University of Vienna on contemporary English poets, T. S. Eliot, Edith Sitwell, H. Read, and Robert Graves. The most recent is ‘The Olive as an Emblem of Love and Rootedness in the Work of Robert Graves’,  a bachelor’s thesis for the Universitat de les Illes Balears in Palma de Mallorca, 2021. It is the lone work from 2021. They are collectively organized in alphabetical order. In cases where the sources consulted did not supply information about the degree awarded, I have inserted the phrase: ‘degree not stated’. When available, I provide additional information about the degree.

The MHRA describes a standard form for citing theses and dissertations as references, and for a bibliography or works cited at the end of an essay, but not for a comprehensive bibliography.  I’ve adapted the reference form but omitted the term ‘unpublished’ to avoid the vexed question of what constitutes publication, a question complicated by the digital environment.

The list can be usefully divided into uneven thirds: the largest comprises works in which Graves is the sole subject; the smallest, works in which Graves is a major subject in study limited to three or four figures; and the final part, works in which Graves is a subordinate unit, either serving as a reference point or a small piece in a larger field of study. In these works, Graves is absent from the title but included in abstracts of the work.

I have not altered the spellings or punctuation within the citation, but strictly followed the original as I found it in the source (see References below). I supplied additional information when available without striving to be consistent. So, for example,  ‘dissertation later published as a monograph’ appears with some entries because that information fortuitously appeared in the course of my research, but these surely do not exhaust the universe of published monographs born from dissertations.

Due to the ephemeral nature of student work, and the lack of a universal approach to their preservation and access, this list is only as comprehensive as I could make it. If warranted, updates will be made available in subsequent issues of The Journal of the Robert Graves Society. Readers with additional information are welcome to contact me at


Ackels, Timberly A., ‘Lest We Forget: Exploring Collective Memory in Interwar Britain’ (master's thesis, Southern Methodist University, 2009).

Adams, Barbara Block, ‘The Enemy Self: The Poetry and Criticism of Laura Riding’ (doctoral dissertation, New York University, 1981).

Albrinck, Meg, ‘Crossing No-man’s Land: Gender Confusion and Genre Disruption in British Women’s War Narratives’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin [Madison], 1999).

Almond, Marie-Louise, ‘“Measure Me by Myself”: Identity, Feminism and Strategies of Resistance in the Work of Laura Riding’ (master’s thesis, Nottingham-Trent University, 2006).

Amavi, Ayité Ayi-Koutou, ‘Jésus, Personnage de Roman: Chez Fédor Dostoïevski, Josph Delteil, Robert Graves, et Nikos Kazantzakis’ (doctoral dissertation, Université Paul Valéry [Montpellier], 2005).

Armstrong III, Chelston Lee, ‘“The Mirror Turn Lamp”: Natural-Supernatural in Yeats’ (doctoral dissertation, (University of Southern Mississippi, 2009).

Balentine, James Scott, Good Night to the Old Gods for Wood Ensemble (Original musical composition for Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Texas at Austin, 1982).

Barker, Alan, ‘The Sacred Muse: A Study of Mythopoeic Theory and Practice of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Queensland, 1982).

Barontini, Francesca, ‘L’unico Tema Poetico: Il Mito Della Dea Bianca Nella Peosia di Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, Università di Macerata, Maserara, Italy, 2002).

Batista, António Pedro Costa Moura, ‘Alguns testemunhos literários de alguns acontecimentos históricos: Goodbye to all That, de Robert Graves, Carnets de la drôle de guerre, de Jean-Paul Sartre e Catalabanza, Quilolo e volta, de Fernando Assis Pacheco’ (master’s thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, 2003).

Baukal, Tibor, ‘Eros and Psyche: Concurrent Essays in Cultural Critique, Philosophical Anthropology, Historical Reason, Language, Pedagogy and a Science of Human Reality’ (master’s thesis, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California, 1992).

Bemben, Alicja, ‘Robert Graves’s Historical Consciousness: A Case in Literary History’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland 2018).

Berrahou, Zineb, ‘La grande guerre de Ford Madox Ford de l’ histoire à la fiction’ [‘The great war of Ford Madox Ford: from History to Fiction’] (doctoral dissertation, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, 2016).

Bertran, Vanessa, ‘The Majorcan Landscape in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Université de Paris IV: Paris-Sorbonne, 1996).

Betts, Matthew, ‘Poetry, Poetics and Revision: The Early Criticism of Robert Graves, 1922-1925’ (doctoral dissertation, University of York, 2007).

Bianco, Kathryn, ‘Phonological Foregrounding in Robert Graves’s War Poems: A Stylistics Analysis’ (honours thesis, University of Malta, 2019).

Bignell, Joy M., ‘Robert Graves: Poet and Critic’ (master’s thesis, University of Western Australia, 1978).

Blackmore, D. H., ‘The Poetry of Robert Graves: A Study in Poetic Development and Continuity’ (degree not stated, University of Nottingham, 1966.

Bludworth, Rosa Lyon (George). ‘A Study of the Biblical Novel in America, 1940-1949, with a Survey of the Biblical Novel in General in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1955).

Boettcher, Ralph Carl, ‘The Romantic Past: Primitivism and Some Novels by Thomas Hardy, D. H. Lawrence, and Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, 1986).

Boltin, Julia, ‘“And Take No Closer Look”: A Short Study of Robert Graves’ (undergraduate honors thesis, Kenyon College, 1983).

Bonadonna, Reed Robert, ‘Line of Departure: The War Poetry of Robert Graves and Siegfried Sassoon’ (master’s thesis, Clark University, 1989).

Booth, Karen Marshall, ‘Shakespeare’s Use of Animal Imagery to Characterize Claudius, Richard III, Edmund, Goneril and Iago as Villains; and Moon Images of the White Goddess in Robert Graves’s Poetry’ (master’s thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1969).

Bounabi, Halima, ‘Portraying First World War Britain Through Robert Graves’s Goodbye to all That and Ford Madox Ford’s Parade’s End (master’s thesis, University of Mohamed Boudiaf, M’Sila, Algeria, 2017).

Bowers, Willard G., ‘Mind and Myth in the Poetry of Robert Graves: An Essay to Discover the Change in Graves’ Poetic Technique Effected by His Study of the Muse of Poetry in The White Goddess (master’s thesis, Temple University, 1963).

Bradnock, Marianne, ‘The Perfect Reader: Edward Ardizzone’s Illustration of the Children’s Poetry of Walter de la Mare, Robert Graves and James Reeves’ (master’s thesis, Roehampton University, London, 2012).

Brearton, Frances Elizabeth, ‘Creation from Conflict: The Great War in Irish Poetry’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Durham, 1998).

Bronn, Johanna Aletta, ‘A Testimony of the Misbegotten: Tension and Discord in the Poems of Sylvia Plath with Special Reference to “Poem for a Birthday”’ (master’s thesis, North-West University, South Africa, 1985).

Brown, Constance A., ‘The Literary Aftermath: English Literary Response to the First World War’ (doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, 1978).

Bucknell, Katherine C., ‘W. H. Auden: The Growth of a Poet’s Mind (1922-1933)’ (doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, 1987.

Burke, Mark, ‘A Critical Edition of the Poems of Robert Graves 1916-1968 in Three Volumes’ (doctoral dissertation, Birmingham University, 1969).

Burke, Mark, ‘A Stylistic Analysis of Eight Poems by Robert Graves’ (degree not stated, University of Birmingham, 1967).

Burns, Albert William, ‘Robert Graves and Laura Riding: A Literary Partnership’ (doctoral dissertation, Boston University, 1969).

Ҫakir, Ece, ‘Rethinking Utopia as Dystopia: Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End and Robert Graves’s Seven Days in New Crete’ (master’s thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 2016).

Cannon, Jean M., ‘Neither Poppy nor Mandragora: The Memorialization of Grief and Grievance in the British Literature of the Great War’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2012).

Carrell, Sharon Kathleen, ‘“At the Expense of Man”: Robert Graves’s Concept of Women’ (master’s thesis, Mississippi State University, 1967).

Carter, Denis Nicholas Giles, ‘The Second Fated’: A Study of the Poetry of Robert Graves, 1914-1947’ (doctoral dissertation, Trinity College, Dublin, 1986).

Christensen, Philip Edward, ‘Remembrances of the Great War: A Comparative Study of Anti-war Classics of E. M. Remarque, Robert Graves and, the War Experiences of Three Modern Historians’ (master’s thesis, Western Washington University, 1990).

Contino, John Martin, ‘Warning to Children’ (musical composition, master’s thesis, Michigan State University, 1981).

Cress, Cecile, ‘A Study of the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Colorado College, 1964).


Entries sorted by country

                           Percentages approximate

                          99        United States (50%)                          
                          38         UK (20%)
                            9         Canada (4%)                                     
                            6         Australia (3%)                    
                            5         Germany, Spain (each 3%)                
                            4         Austria, New Zealand, France (2%)
                            3         Finland, South Africa (each 1%)       
                            2         Ireland, Italy, Switzerland (1%)
                            1         Algeria, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Hungary, India, Lebanon, Malta, Netherlands,  
                                       Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (1%)


Davis, Robert A., ‘The Origin, Evolution, and Function of the Myth of the White Goddess in the Writings of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Stirling, 1987).

Day, Douglas Turner, ‘The Poetry and Criticism of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia, 1962).

De León, Betty Anna Rowe, ‘El Subectivismo en la Poesía de Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1978).

Dearing, Mary Susan, ‘Woman and Myth in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (honors thesis, Brown University, 1966).

DeShazer, Mary Kirk, ‘The Woman Poet and Her Muse: Sources and Images of Female Creativity in the Poetry of H. D., Louise Bogan, May Sarton, and Adrienne Rich’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon, 1982).

Djonaj, Arijeta, ‘Kooperative Lernformen anhand griechischer Mythologie untersucht und entwickelt’ [‘Cooperative Forms of Learning Examined and Developed on the Basis of Greek Mythology’] (bachelor’s degree thesis, St. Gallen University of Teacher Education, St. Gallen, Gossau, Rorschach, Switzerland, 2015).

Dobernig, Mario, ‘Peggy Glanville-Hicks’ Nausicaa: Towards a Performance’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Melbourne, 2014).

Dower, Jr., Richard Graham, ‘Miraculous Love and Dancing Words: A Study of the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967).

Drake, Nedra H., ‘World War I in the Life and Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, North Texas State University, 1970).

Elder, Emily, ‘World War I Trench Warfare and its Effect on the European Soldier-Writer’ (master’s thesis, Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, Virginia, 2001).

Fahmy, Rehab Amin, ‘The Myth of the White Goddess in the Late Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, American University in Cairo, 1989).

Fanoele, Victoria Suzanne, ‘Faustian Bargains’ (master’s thesis, California State University, Sacramento, 2010).

Faulkner, Christopher, ‘The “Verbal Iconography” of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1967).

Faúndez, Viveros Ximena, ‘Greek y Edipo Rey: La Recepción Contemporá de un Clásico’ (master’s thesis, Universidad de Chile, 2018).

Firla, Ian, ‘The Narrative Structures of Robert Graves’s Historical Fiction: A Progression Toward a Conception of the Hero in History’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester, 1998).

Forster, Jean-Paul, ‘Robert Graves et la Dualité du Réel’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, 1974).

Fox-Edele, Nancy, ‘American Athena: A Feminist Sophistic Analysis of the Discourses of Women Servicemembers’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, 2020).

Geall, David George, ‘The Development of the Early Poetry and Criticism of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of Manchester [UK], 1969).

George, Martha W., ‘The White Goddess in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (undergraduate honors thesis, Mount Holyoke College, 1964).

Getzug, Maureen Macdonald, ‘Incarnations of the Goddess: Women in the Prose of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, San Diego State University, 1985).

Gilchrist, K. James, ‘World War I and the Early Novels of Evelyn Waugh’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, 1995).

Graalman, Jr., Robert Edward, ‘“One Story Only”: Robert Graves and the Poetry of Transfiguration’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Tulsa, 1977).

Grace, Jr., Charles Clyde, ‘Mythology as Material for Fiction in Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of Florida, 1959).

Graham, Robin, ‘Rite and Ritualism in the Poetry of Robert Graves and W. H. Auden, 1938-1957’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1976).

Habens, Alison Smith, ‘Where Ideas Come From: Towards an Ontology of Inspiration in Creative Writing, with particular reference to Muses of Mythology’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Portsmouth, 2009).

Haislip, John Alpheus, ‘Robert Graves and the Georgians’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, 1965).

Hall, Molly Volanth, ‘Ecologies of Materiality and Aesthetics in British Modernist War-time Literature, 1890-1939’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Rhode Island, 2020).

Harrison, William M., ‘Sexuality and Textuality: Writers of Leonard and Virginia Woolf’s Hogarth Press’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Delaware, 1998).

Hart, Alice Gorton, ‘“Every Poet His Own Aristotle”: A Study of Selected Prose and Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Utah State University, 1969).

Hassan, Ann, ‘Autobiographical Fiction: A Study of Robert Graves’s Good-bye to All That and Richard Aldington’s Death of a Hero (master’s thesis, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2002).

Haylett, Brian Charles, ‘A Critical Study of the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of London, 1963-1964).

Hemmings, Robert Henry, ‘“Strange Survival”: Sassoon, Trauma and the Second World War’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, 2002).

Horváth, Tamás, ‘I, Claudius and Goodbye to All That: The Autobiographies of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2007).

Hosfield, Patrick, ‘The Playwright and the Blue Pencil: Analyzing Autobiographical Material in the Forgotten Play of Robert Graves’ (undergraduate study, Harvard University, 2005).

House, Veronica Leigh, ‘“Backward to Your Sources”, Sacred Rivers: A Transatlantic Feminist Tradition of Mythic Revision’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2006).

Hulley, Margaret Sue, ‘A Study on the Influence of Text in Morten Lauridsen’s Mid-Winter Songs’ (master’s thesis, Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 1998).

Humphrey, Constance Lynette, ‘Mōnstrum Ex Machina: Reading the Artificial Life as Monster in Three Contemporary Western Narratives’ (master’s thesis, Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, 2019).

Jackson, Anna, ‘Religiöse und Weltanschauliche Fragen in Robert Graves’s Romanworken [Religious and Ideological Questions in Robert Graves’s Novels]’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Vienna, 1950).

Jacobs, Mark, ‘The Primary Vision: A Study of the Works of Laura (Riding) Jackson’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester, 1976).

Jessop, Anett Kristin, ‘Definitional Poetics: Modernist Poetry, Language and the Word Woman’ (doctoral dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2013).

Johnson, Alyson, ‘Baroque ’n Roll: The Installation’ (master’s thesis, University of New South Wales, 2008).

Jones, Robert Gerald Hamlet, ‘The Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s degree University of Wales, 1957).

Jury, Desiree, ‘History and Myth in the Modern English Historical Novel’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Auckland, 1978).

Karayalcin, Selma, ‘Representations of the Muse in the Writings of Robert Graves: A Study of Five Prose Texts (1944-1950)’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Northampton, 2011).

Kearney, Vanessa Lynn, ‘The Sacred Feminine in the Age of Blockbuster’ (doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, 2009).

Kennedy, Jane F., ‘An Index to Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Catholic University of America, 1967).

Kelly, Dylan, ‘Crisis, Shell-shock, and the Temporality of Trauma: Cultural Memory and the Great War Combat Experience in Owen, Graves, and Barker’ (undergraduate honors thesis, University of Central Florida, 2014).

Kichner, Heather J., ‘Cemetery Plots from Victoria to Verdun: Literary Representations of Epitaph and Burial from the Nineteenth Century Through the Great War’ (doctoral dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 2008).

Kidner, Terry Ann, ‘The Poetry of Robert Graves’ (degree not stated, Bryn Mawr College, 1963).

Kirkham, Michael C., ‘The Development of the Concept of the White Goddess in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s degree, University of London, Birkbeck College, 1969).

Klayman, Lyssa Dianne Bossay, ‘Poetry and the Divine: An Examination of Mythic Structure in Watch the North Wind Rise and, Satan in Goray: The Idea of Disorder (master’s thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1972).

Koh, Tai Ann, ‘Dedicated Poet and Popular Writer: a Critical Study of the Poetry and Historical Novels of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Singapore, 1971).

Kohli, Devindra, ‘The Necessary Trance: Conflict and Liberation in the Poetry and Prose of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Leeds, 1974).

Koike Harue, ‘Unveiling the Muse: The Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Rochester, 1961).

Kosalka, David, ‘Ghosts of Mythic Pasts: Mythic History in the Works of Friedrich Gundolph, Robert Graves, J. R. R. Tolkien in Light of the First World War’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin [Milwaukee], 2011).

Kotzian, Jürgen, ‘Representation of Class and the Army Officer in Literature of the Great War” (master’s thesis, University of Vienna, 2013).

Král, David, ‘Císař Claudius v Beletrii a Filmu [Caesar Claudius in Fiction and Film]’ (master’s thesis, Charles University, Prague, 2019).



Percentages approximate

109  Doctoral dissertations: 52%

  82  Master’s theses: 40%

  12  Undergraduate: 5%

  04  Undetermined: 2%

Lau, Megan, ‘The Shape of History: Literary Form and the First World War’ (doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University, 2010).

Laurents, Mary Kathleen, ‘The Effect of Collective Identity Formation and Fracture in Britain During the First World War and the Interwar Period’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018).

Leadingham, Norma Compton, ‘Propaganda and Poetry during the Great War’ (master’s thesis, East Tennessee State University, 2008).

Lewell, Maryanne, ‘“The Horror of the World”: Reconstructing Trauma and Mourning in the Contemporary First World War Writings of Pat Baker, Sebastian Faulks and Jane Urquart’ (master’s thesis, University of New Brunswick, 2004).

Li, Wai Yin, ‘The Hidden Voices in Samuel Barber’s Despite and Still: Robert Graves’s Creativity and James Joyce’s Originality’ (doctoral dissertation, Indiana University, 2019).

Lyon-Bludsworth, Rosa, ‘A Study of the Biblical Novel in America, 1940-1949, with a Survey of the Biblical Novel in General in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1955).

Madigan, Edward Thomas Maksymillian, ‘Anglican Army Chaplains on the Western Front, 1914-1918’ (master’s thesis, Trinity College, Dublin, 2007).

Maibaum, Anja, ‘Quo Vadis? Untersuchungen zur Antike im Historischen Roman’ [‘Quo Vadis? Studies of Antiquity in the Historical Novel’] (doctoral dissertation, University of Berlin, 2011).

Malott, Paul, ‘The Yet Unsayable: The Limitations of Knowledge in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, Dalhousie University, 1993).

Manchia, Daniela, ‘Il Culto della Dea Bianca: The White Goddess of Robert Graves (master’s thesis, Università de Sassari, Italy, 2001).

Mangels, Martina, ‘“The Gospel According to Graves”: Eine Untersuchung von Robert Graves Historischem King Jesus im Hinblick auf Seine Quellen und ihre Literarische Verarbeitung’ [‘“The Gospel According to Graves”: An Examination of Robert Graves’s Historical King Jesus with Regard to its Sources and their Literary Processing’] (master’s thesis, University of Hamburg, 1987).

Martin, Meredith Anne, ‘The Rise and Fall of Meter: Poetic Form and English National Culture, 1880-1920’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, 2006).

Martin, Travis L., ‘Identity, Reality and Truth in Memoirs from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars’ (master’s thesis, Eastern Kentucky University, 2011).

Masopust, Michael Alan, ‘The Nursery and the Trenches: Influences on the Early Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia, 1974).

McKenna, Edward Francis, ‘Live or Die: Unmasking Mythologies of Anne Sexton’s Poetry’ (master’s thesis, Montana State University, 2008).

McKenzie, Laura Elizabeth, ‘Great War, White Goddess and Translation as Catharsis: A Study of Robert Graves and Ted Hughes’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Durham [UK], 2018).

McKinley, James Courtright, ‘The Early Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri [Columbia], 1970).

Meghdadi, Braham, ‘A Comparative Analysis of Edward Fitzgerald’s and Robert Graves’s Translation[s] of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám’ (doctoral dissertation, Teachers College Columbia University, 1970).

Mehoke, James Stephen, ‘The Purpose of Myth in the Work of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, 1964).

Meister, Gerald Fritz, ‘The White Goddess and the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 1967).

Merowitz, Emily Anne, ‘“An Aggregation of Enormities”: Personal Experience, Narrative, and the First World War in Sassoon, Blunden and Graves’ (master’s thesis, Brown University, 2002).

Mogabert, Marie-Christine, ‘The Influence of Robert Graves’s The White Goddess on His Poetry’ (master’s thesis, American University of Beirut, 1981).

Møller, Peter, ‘A White Goddess Unveiled’ (master’s thesis, Syddansk Universitet [University of Southern Denmark], Center for Engelsk, Odesne, Denmark, 2010).

Mortensen, James Kenneth Peter, ‘American Reviews and Criticism of the poetry of Robert Graves During the Period 1916-1965’ (doctoral dissertation, University of New Mexico, 1969).

Moss, Maria, ‘The Sexual Dilemma of the Artist-figure: A Mythological Approach in Two Novels by John Barth’ (master’s thesis, California State University, Northridge, 1974).

Mounic, Anne, ‘Mythe et Littérature’ (doctoral dissertation, Universitié de la Sorbonne, 1993).

Narayanswamy, D., ‘The White Goddess Myth in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, 1982).

Nicholson, Chris, ‘The Enduring Wound: Recontextualising Goodbye to All That, The White Goddess and the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Northampton, 2007).

Northcote-Bade, Carlisle, ‘Robert Graves’s Poetry: An Essay on the Development of “The Single Poetic Theme” in Poems 1965–1968’ (master’s thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 1969).

Nyqvist, Kerttu. ‘Runollisia Ongelmakysymyksiä Robert Gravesin Tuotannossa’[Poetic Problem Questions in Robert Graves’s Works] (master’s thesis, University of Helsinki, 1952).

O’Keefe, Emily, ‘The Things That Remain: People, Objects, and Anxiety in Thirties British Fiction’ (doctoral dissertation, Loyola University, Chicago, 2012).

Olmsted, Mary, ‘Humor in the Early Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Columbia University, 1964).

O’Prey, Paul, ‘The Poetry of Robert Graves, 1914-1946’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Bristol, 1993).

Orban, Christopher Robert, ‘Poor Uncle Claudius: Graves’ use of the Anti-hero in I, Claudius’ (master’s thesis, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 2011). 

Osgood, Miles, ‘The World Arena: The Olympic Art Competitions and the Sport of International Literature’ (doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, 2019).

Palaska, Maria, ‘Female Liminality in Twentieth-Century Mediterranean Literature’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Essex, 2007).

Palmer, Ben, ‘A Discursive Essay on Edwin Muir and Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of California, Sacramento, 1970).

Palmer, Max H., ‘Robert Graves and the White Goddess: A Study in Contemporary Paganism’ (master’s thesis, Columbia University, 1954).

Parise, Anthony Giuseppe, ‘The Private Myth in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin [Madison], 1963).

Paul, Gertrud, ‘Dichtungstheorien Englisher Dichter der Gegenwart: T. S. Eliot, Edith Sitwell, H. Read, Robert Graves’ [‘Theories of Poetry: English Poets of the Present Day: T. S. Eliot, Edith Sitwell, H. Read, Robert Graves’] (doctoral dissertation, University of Vienna, 1933).

Penicka-Smith, Sarah Jane, ‘Reinventing Robert: A Reception History of The White Goddess’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Sydney, 2011).

Perry, Sylvia Margaret, ‘Fictional Versions of Jesus Myth in the Modern Period’ (master’s thesis, University of British Columbia, 1974).

Pharo, Jeanette, ‘A Study of Graves’ The Real David Copperfield in Comparison with the Original’ (master’s thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1946).

Phinazee, Brian C., ‘Speaking with Ghosts that Rob Graves: Traces of Neurasthenia in Robert Graves’s War Poetry through a Veteran’s Perspective’ (master’s degree, Valdosta State University, 2020).

Presley, John W., ‘The Robert Graves Manuscripts and Letters at Southern Illinois University’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale, 1974).

Probst, Susanna Cornelia, ‘The Return of Persephone: Poetic Renewal in Robert Graves and Ezra Pound’ (master’s thesis, University of Zurich, 1995).

Proodian, Sareene, ‘The Forbidden Zone Writers: Femininity and Anglophone Women Writers of the Great War’ (doctoral dissertation, Marquette University, 2018).

Psilopoulos, Dionysious, ‘A Conspiracy of the Unconscious: Yeats, Crowley, Pound, Graves and the Esoteric Tradition’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 1995).

Quigley, Stevenson James. ‘The Demon and the Goddess: Entropy and the Family in the Works of Thomas Pynchon’ (master’s thesis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1997).

Quinn, Patrick J. M., ‘Robert Graves and Siegfried Sassoon: From Early Poetry to Autobiography’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Warwick, 1988).

Rainer, Gertrud, ‘Robert Graves und sein Verhältnis zur Geschicte’ [Robert Graves and His Relationship to History] (doctoral dissertation, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 1942).

Rand, Thomas W., ‘The Letters of Edith Sitwell to Siegfried Sassoon’ (doctoral dissertation, Washington State University, 1986).

Rebassa Gelabert, Sandra A., ‘Cases-Museu a Mallorca: Estat de la Qüestó: Estudi de Casos [House-Museums of Mallorca: State of the Art: Case Studies]’ (master’s thesis, University of Barcelona, 2015).

Rhoden, Clare Elizabeth, ‘The Purpose of Futility: Leadership in Australian War Narratives’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Melbourne, 2011).

Robinson, Fiona Estelle, ‘Raising the Dead: Writing Lives and Writing Wars in Britain: 1914-1941’ (doctoral dissertation, Yale University, 2012).

Rooksby, Rikky, ‘In Her Praise: The Muse Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation University College, Cardiff, 1982).

Ross, Robert Henry, ‘Georgian Poetry, 1911-1922’ (doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University, 1958).

Rotger Ramis, Marina, ‘The Goddess and the Islands: Mythopoetic Aura, Arts and Culture in the Balearics’ (bachelor’s thesis, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, 2019). 

Rotger Viruela, Paola, ‘The Olive as an Emblem of Love and Rootedness in the Work of Robert Graves’ (bachelor’s thesis, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, 2021).

Runyon, Carroll Robbins, Jr, A History of Magical Cults and the Rise of NeoPaganism in Southern California’ (master’s thesis, California State University, Northridge, 1980).

Sailors, Cara Leigh, ‘The Function of Mythology and Religion in Greek Society’ (master’s thesis, East Tennessee State University 2007).

Sarver, Jay William, ‘The Production and Re-production of Masculine Subjects in Pat Barker’s Regeneration’ (master’s thesis, State University of New York at Binghamton, 2005).

Säuberlich, Katja, Liebespaare aus de Griechischen Mythologie nach itaten von Robert von Ranke Graves [Lovers from Greek Mythology Based on Quotations from Robert von Ranke Graves’ (master’s thesis, Ruhr-Akademie für Kunst und Design, Schwerte, Germany, 1997).

Saunders, Penelope Alwilda, ‘Robert Graves: A Study of Poetic Language and Imagery in the Evolution of a Personal and a Personal Faith’ (master’s thesis, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 1955).

Schets, Zoë, ‘Healing Within Poetry: Expressing and Processing Wartime Trauma in the Early Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Ghent University, Netherlands, 2019).

Schöning, Anke, ‘Studien zum Historischen Roman: Robert Graves Wife to Mr. Milton, I, Claudius und Claudius the God (master’s thesis, University of Hamburg, 1991).

Seguí Anzar, Juana Maria, ‘Robert Graves y Mallorca: Su Narrativa Breve Mallorquina’ (doctoral dissertation, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, 2005).

Shepard, Luke Paul, ‘The Goddess in Graves and Groves: The White Goddess of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of Arkansas, 2009).

Simon, Myron, ‘The Poetics of Robert Graves: The Relevance of Georgian Poetry to His Early Career’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, 1968).
ED. D.

Slinn, Eunice, ‘The White Goddess in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats’ (master’s thesis, University of British Columbia, 1969).

Sloan, William Barry, ‘Robert Graves: The Making of a Poet: A Study of the Poetry of Robert Graves, 1914-1938, with Special Reference to His Poetic Theory and Practice and Some Characteristic Themes’ (master’s thesis, University of Southampton, 1977).

Smeds, John, ‘Poetic Trance, Muses and Iconography in Robert Graves’s Poem “Return of The Goddess”’ (master’s thesis Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Finland, 1989).

Smeds, John, ‘Statement and Story: Robert Graves’s Myth-making’ (doctoral dissertation, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Finland, 1997).

Smith, Aaron Michael, ‘Clothes for Clio?: Form and History in the 1930s Poetry of Robert Graves, Louis MacNeice and W. H. Auden’ (doctoral dissertation, Queen’s University Belfast, 2015).

Smith, Jimmy Dean, ‘Reconfiguring the Gospel: Jesus in Twentieth Century British Literature’ (doctoral dissertation, University of South Carolina, 1995).

Smith, Matthew M. C., ‘Robert Graves and the Welsh Goddess’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Wales, Swansea, 2006).

Sourisseau, Valérie, ‘“La déesse” au XXe siècle: écritures théoriques et poétiques (James Frazer, Jane Harrison, Robert Graves, André Breton, Cesare Pavese, Sylvia Plath’) [‘“The Goddess” in the xxth Century: ‘Theoretical and Poetical (Re)writings . . .]’ (doctoral dissertation, Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris iv, 2014).

Spencer, Eleanor Leah, ‘A Wordlife Running from Mind to Mind: Inheritance, Influence and Tradition in the Poetry of Anne Stevenson’ (doctoral dissertation, Durham University, 2012).

Stade, George, ‘Robert Graves on Poetry: 1916-1929’ (doctoral dissertation, Columbia University, 1965).

Stark, Ruth. ‘Der Historische Roman bei Robert Graves [The Historical Novel of Robert Graves]’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Berlin, 1954).

Starr, Robert, ‘Nailed to the Rolls of Honour, Crucified: Irish Responses to the Great War’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Warwick, 2017).

Steedley, Elizabeth, ‘For the Duration: Global War and Satire in England and the United States’ (doctoral dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 2015).

Steele, Suzanne Marie, ‘The Artist’s Dilemma: Truth, Process and Form in the Great War Narratives of Robert Graves, Mary Borden, and David Jones’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Exeter, 2016).

Steward, Christine June, ‘A Royal Welch Fusilier’s Journey Through Battle Trauma: Mythical, Religious, Celtic Influences in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Swansea Metropolitan University, 2011).

Thomas, Lisa, [‘Works’] (Master of Fine Arts in Dance, Hollins University, 2006).

Thomas, William David, ‘Textual Critical Edition of the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge, 1980).

Thomas, William David Aitkin, ‘In Search of a Definitive: Some Variorum Problems in the Poetry of Robert Graves to 1948’ (master’s thesis, University of Victoria [Canada], 1975).

Tilbury, Simon John, ‘The Dancer Walking the Ruins: Laura Riding and Dialectical Thought’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge, 2019).

Tourlamain, Moyra Penelope, ‘The Uses of Apocalypse’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Kent, 2019).

Troha, Boris, ‘Robert Graves and Christa Wolf: Alternatives to Patriarchy’ (degree not stated, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016).

Turner, Merrill, ‘Altered Egos: Counter-histories in Twentieth-century British Biographical Fictions’ (doctoral dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis, 2018).

Utell, Janine Marie, ‘Play for Mortal Stakes: Funerals as Modernist Acts of Fiction’ (doctoral dissertation, City University of New York, 2004).

Vane, Sulo, ‘The Emperor Claudius in History and in the Works of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Helsinki, 1972).

Walsh, Jeffrey, ‘The Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of Leeds, 1962).

Wangsness, Barbara L., ‘A Study of Robert Graves’s Utopian Novel Watch the North Wind Rise, in Relation to Past Utopian Writing’ (master’s thesis, University of South Dakota, 1949).

Watson, Janet Sledge Kobrin, ‘Active Service: Gender, Class, and British Representation of the Great War’ (doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 1996).

Weare, Jessica Reid, ‘Competing Narratives: British Memoirs and Fictions of the First World War’ (doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 2011).

Weeks, Jacquilyn, ‘Fairies, Fairy Tales, and the Development of British Poetics’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Notre Dame, 2011).

Westerman, Molly, ‘Narrating Historians: Crises of Historical Authority in Twentieth-century British Fiction’ (doctoral dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008).

Wet, Betty J. de, ‘“The Infinitely Variable Theme”: The Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of South Africa, 1965).

Whitney, Christina Cain, ‘Editorial Collaboration and Control: Laura Riding and the Seizin Press Years’ (doctoral dissertation, University of Denver, 2013).

Wilcoxon, Hardy Culver, ‘The Ambivalence and the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (doctoral dissertation, Yale University, 1984).

Wilson, Carolyn R. C., ‘Writing the War: The Literary Effects of World War One’ (undergraduate honors thesis, Ohio State, 2006).

Wilson, Reed Daniel, ‘Words on a Journey: Vision and Religion in the Poetry of W. S. Merwin’ (doctoral dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1988).

Wiltgen, David, ‘Mythical Imagery in the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, Mankato State University, Mankato, Minnesota, 1966).

Winebaum, B. V., ‘Robert Graves: Critic and Poet’ (undergraduate honors thesis, Harvard University, 1944).

Winkler, Victoria M., ‘Sufic Images in the Poetry of Robert Graves: The Emergence of the Black Goddess of Wisdom’ (doctoral dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1975).

Witwer, Marian Giddings, ‘The Case of Robert Graves Against the Apollonians’ (master’s thesis, University of Colorado, 1965).

Young, Susan K., ‘Robert Graves: A Twentieth Century Iconoclast’ (honors thesis, Brown University, 1967).

Zankner, Howard, ‘An Introduction to the Poetry of Robert Graves’ (master’s thesis, University of Montana, 1967).



 Female: 114
 Male: 92
 Could not determine from name: 1[2]


Carl Hahn is Bibliography Editor of The Robert Graves Review. A major collector, in 2019 he gifted his definitive Graves collection to the University of Roehampton. Currently, he is working on a new bibliography of Robert Graves.



British Library, EThOS: E-theses Online Service [accessed 30 August 2020]

Dinkova, Ivanka, Library Directory – Online Libraries of the World [accessed 21 September 2020]

HathiTrust, HathiTrust Digital Library [accessed 30 August 2020]

Library of Congress, Library [accessed 30 August 2020]

NDLTD, The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations [accessed 30 August 2020]

OATD, Open Access Theses and Dissertations [accessed 30 August 2020]

OCLC, Worldcat [accessed 30 August 2020]

Proquest, PQDT Open [accessed 30 August 2020]


[1] Robert Graves, ‘Diseases of Scholarship, Classically Considered: A Lecture for Yale University February 13, 1957’, in 5 Pens in Hand (New York: Doubleday 1958), pp. 81-82.
[2] This is a gross determination based solely on name. It does not account for gender identification. Names that might apply to either sex have been assigned the sex for which the name is most commonly associated.

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