The Robert Graves Review


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The Graves Society

In this inaugural issue of Gravesiana the Graves Society felt it was important to print "mission statements", if you will, on the subject of the St. John's College Robert Graves Trust, the Robert Graves Copyright Trust, and the Robert Graves Society. You will find the statements for the first named trusts listed below followed by an excellent outline of the Society's mission by Robert Davis.

In future issues of Gravesiana you will find that this section of the journal will bring you a variety of different types of information. Stephen Pike's plea against copyright infringement which follows the mission statements is an example of one sort of article that will be featured here in subsequent numbers of the journal. We will also print conference announcements for related societies and organisations and news about members of the Robert Graves Society.

Much of the information found here can be viewed in a virtually upto-the-minute setting on the World Wide Web. The Robert Graves Society has its own pages on the internet that can be found at: These pages include links to holdings of Gravesian materials at various institutions around the world, a brief biography of Robert Graves written by Robert Bertholf, a bibliography of Graves' works and many other sometimes curious features.

If you would like to make an announcement that will appear both on our pages here and on the World Wide Web, please feel free to write to me at the address listed on the back page of the journal or via email at:


When Robert Graves died in 1985 he named William Graves his executor in his will. William is a self-employed oil geologist who works in such places as the Middle east, West Africa or the North Sea. He also spends a substantial amount of time in Deya where he lives with his wife Elena in one of the houses Robert bought in the thirties. Robert made no special bequests in his will, and he named no literary executor. Thus William Graves is the de facto literary executor. After probate was granted, he, with the consent of the beneficiaries of the will (Graves' widow Beryl and surviving children Catherine, Samuel, Lucia, Juan, Tomas and himself) found it practical to transfer the ownership of the copyright of Robert's works to the Robert Graves Copyright Trust based in Jersey with the firm Hilgrove Trustees who administer it on their behalf. Thus all acknowledgements for the use of the work of Robert Graves should be to the Trustees of the Robert Graves Copyright Trust.

Graves' Literary Agent, A.P. Watt Ltd, London, continue in this capacity on behalf of the Robert Graves Copyright Trust and they in turn look to William for advice concerning certain matters. However, it is A.P. Watt Ltd who should be approached for all permissions for publications are granted through them. Their address is:

A.P. Watt Ltd, 20 John Street, London, England WCIN 2DL.

Tel: +44 (0)171 405 6774, Fax +44 (0)171 831 2154

In his capacity as literary executor, William Graves was also settlor of the St. John's College Robert Graves Trust, whose aims are purely academic.


The object of the St. John's College Robert Graves Trust is to advance the education of the public in the work of the late Robert Graves. The Trust is registered as an United Kingdom charity. The Trustees are all members of St John's College, where Graves studied and later was a Fellow when he was elected to the Chair of Poetry at Oxford. The

Trustees have delegated the day to day running of the Trust to a

Management Committee which includes a representative of the Graves family. The Trust aims to act as a clearing house for projects, studies and theses on Robert Graves' life and works. To this end it hopes to:

1.Promote the integrated cataloguing of letters, manuscripts, recordings, photographs and other extant Gravesiana in institutions in Britain, America and elsewhere so that interested persons can determine where and what material is available.

2.Locate manuscripts and letters still in private hands and ensure their safe keeping and preservation. The Trust is happy to advise holders, wishing to sell, on reputable establishments, willing to buy. However, the Trust is also happy to accept donations to augment the already important collection of Robert Graves correspondence which is housed in the St John's Library where it is looked after by professional archivists. It is hoped, eventually, that the Trust will hold information (as a text, copy or even the original) for every extant letter Graves wrote.

3. Provide lists of current Graves books in print in the UK, in the USA and in translation and send them out periodically to departments of English in Universities and other venues.

The constituent Management Committee was formed by John Kelly, Senior Fellow in English at St John's College, Patrick Quinn, Professor of English at Nene College, Northampton and editor of the Carcanet Robert Graves Programme, and William Graves, son and Executor of

Robert Graves. It has now expanded to include Dr Robert Bertholf,

Curator of the Poetry / Rare Books Collection at SUNY, Buffalo, and Professor Robin Alston, Professor of Library Studies, University College, London. The Trust address is:

The St. John's College Robert Graves Trust

St. John's College, Oxford, England, OXI 3JP


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